About Us

Mission and Vision of PaperPlayOpera

At PaperPlayOpera, our mission is to revolutionize the way opera reviews are presented and enjoyed, while keeping the timeless beauty of the art form intact. Our vision is to create a virtual space where opera enthusiasts and novices can discover, appreciate, and engage with the world of opera, as well as ignite new passions within the genre.


PaperPlayOpera was founded in About Us with the goal of integrating technology and the performing arts to offer a unique perspective on classical operatic experiences. Amid a rapidly evolving digital landscape, our founder, Lysandra Finch, recognized the need to fill a void and bring opera closer to audiences worldwide.

Founder: Lysandra Finch

Lysandra Finch is a highly respected name in the opera community. Her deep passion for opera, paired with her visionary mindset, led her to establish PaperPlayOpera. With an extensive background in musicology and opera criticism, Lysandra combines her academic insights with her hands-on expertise as a professional opera singer. Her interdisciplinary background allows her to bring a fresh and comprehensive approach to every review.

Creating the Website

Driven by their fervent dedication to promote opera's accessibility and bridge the gap between traditional opera publications and new media, the team behind PaperPlayOpera embarked on a journey to turn their vision into a reality. The founders realized that classical music publications often fail to engage younger audiences, alienating potential opera-goers. By developing an online platform, they sought to break down these barriers and bring the elegance and wonder of opera into contemporary homes and minds.

Objective and Target Audience

The objective of PaperPlayOpera is to provide insightful and engaging opera reviews, articles, interviews, and educational content for opera enthusiasts, both seasoned and aspiring, regardless of geographical boundaries. We aim to offer a comprehensive resource platform that deepens the appreciation and understanding of the magnificence of opera - from its rich history to its contemporary interpretations.

Unique Value

PaperPlayOpera takes pride in its team of experienced and highly skilled editors and members, dedicated to curated storytelling and precise analysis. Set apart from conventional opera publications, we strive to strike the perfect balance between scholarly rigor and accessible language, enticing both experts and newcomers alike to explore the magical world of opera. Our commitment to generating captivating and thought-provoking content, paired with our passion for pushing boundaries, ensures an extraordinary experience for our readers.

Together, let's embark on a remarkable journey of discovery and admiration as we revel in opera's harmonies, emotions, and grandeur. Encompassing tradition, innovation, and expertise, PaperPlayOpera brings you opera at your fingertips.

We want to ease your burden. Contact Us for any queries.